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Purim, Rapture March 13-14th 2025


Wow! a Blood Moon is Coming on Purim Next Week, March 13 (Sunset) -14! Jesus Died on a Blood Moon April 3, AD 33! Blood Moons are Part of Judgments but for the Believer, Jesus Will Come When We are Not Expecting! Purim can lead us to the Rapture and Here is Why...Ask the Lord to Show You if These are True or Not. I did.

God spoke in Genesis 1:14 that the Moon is for signs and seasons...

This is what started the revelation of Esther during Purim and the 3 Days of Darkness leading to Rapture! Amos 8:9   And it shall come to pass in that day, saith the Lord GOD, that I will cause the sun to go down at noon, and I will darken the earth in the clear day:...(in Jerusalem, Israel timeline)"

There are 4 Events but are actually 1! that Lead Up to the Rapture...

Here is What You Need to Do, When You See the Dancing Lights!!! Obedience is Required!

3 Days of Darkness Preparations

Information of the 3 Days of Darkness 2-28-24


This is information that I have received through dreams, visions and words from the Lord Jesus Christ and Father God and presenting it to you in the best of my understanding. But as always you need to take it directly to the Lord Jesus Christ in prayer and discern it scripturally all I have provided in his name. Then proceed however the sweet Holy Spirit leads you in all things.


When the auroras also called the dancing colorful lights or northern lights appear to be seen simultaneously all over the word that is your warning signal from Father God to get inside. Do not stop to gaze at their beauty or snap pictures. You need to get home or inside a building for safety. The 3 Days of Darkness descends at noon, but which noon time Father God hasn’t clarified to me. This is why He has given the colorful auroras as a sign for His beloved little children. (Job 5:14; Amos 8:9)

How to prepare:

  1. Pray and repent of your sins now before the 3 days of darkness comes. No one is promised a tomorrow unless God gives it.

  2. Have a plan in place so that Lord willing, when the aurora’s appears your family/friends know exactly what to do, where to go, and how to get there before the 3 days of darkness fully descends.

  3. If you can’t make it home or to a building, then stay in your vehicle. I recommend all to pray about keeping 3 days of food, drinks, and dark thick blankets. You will need to keep your head covered with the blankets from what is occurring in the darkness. And pray in Jesus Christ’s Name!

  4. A person/persons caught out in the darkness without any protection in my understanding, no matter who it is will be torn into shreds by the demons, nephilim, and evil fallen angels that are released after being imprisoned and bound for so long. Please pray about this in Jesus Christ’s Name. (This is why the warning from Father God is given out of love about this in advance.)

  5. A true Child of God who loves Jesus Christ and living a pleasing, holy an obedient life in Him doesn't have any reason to be afraid of the coming 3 days of darkness. These are those who will have some form of electrical power provided by our Father God as the Israelites did in the land of Goshen during the 3 days of darkness that covered the land of Egypt during Moses and Pharaoh’s days. (Exodus 10:21-23)

  6. When the darkness comes and you find yourself without some form of electrical power and only able to use candlelight, this is a sign that you’re still being protected by Father God, but you have been found with sin in your life. Otherwise, you would have somehow had use of your electrical power.

  7. This is time that should be spent by the true believers of Jesus Christ in prayer, reading the Word of God, and seeking for the salvation of others.

  8. Lock all doors and windows, close all drapes and blinds and/or cover windows anyway you can, like taped cardboard, black plastic, towels, etc. if Jesus Christ leads you to do so. This is for those who might be in candlelight or have unsaved or small children that may try to open the doors or windows. Some of the evil demon spirits could be mimicking someone they know and love. If someone who isn’t spiritual prepared in Jesus Christ and isn’t accustomed already to seeing demons and such like, the shock of the horror of what they are seeing will cause many to lose their sanity of their minds and could cause heart failure.

  9. If you find yourself by candlelight, then you will most likely hear the demons, Nephilim, and fallen angels screaming outside or their mimicking voices as someone you love or know professing to be trapped outside and begging to be let in. They are trying to trick you to open a door or window. IN JESUS CHRIST’S NAME, DO NOT OPEN THE DOOR OR WINDOW! This will allow this evil outside to enter the place you are located at.

  10. The darkness is of the outer darkness and is a thick darkness that is seen with spiritual eyes. Your physical eyes will see nothing except blackness. It will feel as if it is alive to the sinner and backslider. Many hearts shall fail them in fear of what has come. *Again, the true child of Jesus' Christ has no reason to fear these things because they stand in the power of His Name and authority.

  11.  During the 3 days of darkness no one will come and go out of the place they are in until it's over. No work. No school. No running errands. No anything for 3 days until Father God lifts the darkness by His holy command.

  12. If you are not sure in your heart where your relationship is with Father God and Jesus Christ, then please pray about having 3 days’ worth of food and drink for yourself and others. Ask sweet Holy Spirit how to prepare in Jesus Christ’s name.

       Also, this is for those with electrical power too. You need to have           enough food and drinks for all.

  1. This is the set aside time for the demons and fallen angels once bound to be released as well as others for the end time days to be fulfilled. This is why it is recommended for you not to look outside or be outside. Seeing so much evil can cause people to possibly have heart attacks or lose their minds from the horror and terror that occurs from the sight. But also for many it will be the last chance to repent of their sins. This is God's mercy and love even in judgment.

  2. If purchasing candles for yourself and others just in case you are found without electrical lights, then please use wisdom. Please purchase unscented candles. I say this because perfumes and scented items originate from the Marine kingdom of darkness. If you already purchased candles to use, then if they are scented and from the Marine kingdom, they will most likely have curses, bewitchments and spell like things cast upon them that will attract the evil to your location. They will still be outside but there will be more than if you had used different candles.

  3. If you have already purchased scented candles, then please pray over them, and ask sweet Holy Spirit in Jesus Christ’s name to reveal if there are any that you need to remove witchcraft from. Also, ask if there’s candles that you need to dispose of. Some items when accursed a demon is a physical part of the item, and you cannot break the witchcraft power off it. When you pray and ask these questions in Jesus Christ’s Name and get an answer, then discern what spirit is speaking to you. Is it from God or the devil? You do this by the following verses. (1 John 4:1-3; 13-15 & 1 Corinthians 12:3)

  4. If you are with candlelight, you will still need to focus on the Lord Jesus Christ. You will also battle in your mind an onslaught of mental attacks from the evil outside. The battle we already know begins in the mind. Repent and stay in prayer in Jesus Christ’s Name if you haven’t already by this time.

  5. Make sure to have needed essentials on hand for all such as toilet paper, matches/lighters, your Holy Bibles, plates, forks, etc. If by candlelight pray about having an ice cooler to keep items cold if led by the sweet Holy Spirit to do so.

  6. If you’re in a region of land where the weather is still cold, then pray about having additional blankets on hand for ready use.

  7. Pray about purchasing a fire extinguisher where candles might be in use.

  8. Pray in Jesus Christ's name for which preparations He would lead you to do and any others that may not be written here.

  9. When Rachel weeps meaning the children under the age of accountability (innocent minded) and those other of innocent minds will be removed before or at the beginning of the 3 days of darkness, the demons may try to mimic the missing children’s voices. Parents will be more susceptible to open the door to a child or children that have disappeared. Do not open the door! It is the enemy and the children are taken to be with Jesus Christ so they do not have to endure the horror of what is coming.

  10. When taping up the windows/doors do not apply the tape to the glass itself because when the heat of the sun is removed by the darkness for 3 days, and the temperature cools down outside combined with the warm temperature in your homes & etc. it can possibly cause condensation and the tape might come loose.

I strongly recommend you seek Jesus Christ for more details and ask Him for verses in the Holy Bible that will reveal the truth of His words.

God bless. Stay under the Blood of Jesus Christ always!

Vicki Goforth Parnell 2-28-24 updated 4-16-24

More On the 3 Days of Darkness.....



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