First... Here is Secular News sharing what the Lord already showed Sister Vicki about the Bear(Russia) going to attack Ukraine back in 2022 that NATO>>>>US and Allies is to blame...He will use mushroom cloud device!!!
The 8 Black Suitcase N----kes Dream!!!
The Mushroom Cloud Dream!!!
8 Black Suitcases & More Dream!!!
A Warning to Ukraine!!! is going to Fire!!!
Dream of Nuclear Happenings!!!
Fat Boy Type Weapon Dream!!!
4 Link Chain of Suddenlies Dream!!!
1. against Ukr.
2. USA mushroom cloud devices go off
3. Aurora Borealis lights around the world
4. 3 days of darkness
3 Days of Darkness is Part of 4 Links of Suddenlies That is Coming!!!
Russia Will Invade America-Part 1 Thanksgiving Alert!!!
Russia Will Invade America-Part 2 Thanksgiving Alert!!!
America Will Be Hit with Rockets(Unprovoked Russia Strike!!!)
The Time for Torment-Changes Will Be Abrupt Suddenly!!!-Dec 25?!
Prophecies of December!!!
Alien-(not real but are fallen angels and demons) Deception is Real!!!