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Jan 19. Godly Wife, Mother, and Grandmother Goes to be with Jesus and Testimonies Prophecies Follow

Mrs. Lois Evans the Godly Wife of Pastor Tony Evans in Dallas Who Is One of the Best Bible Teachers of our Newer Generation...Just Recently Passed Away into Glory. Before Her Passing, Going In and Out of Conscientiousness...She Was Partially Already in the Heavenly Realm and in the Earthly Realm but She Said "Reward, Reward...I'm Supposed to Get a Reward but They Don't Have the Song Picked Out Yet" Then When Her Daughter Came In Her Room Sometime Later, She Had Played a Few Worship Songs but This Song, When Mrs. Evans Heard This...She Woke Up and Smiled and Said..."That's the Song" 1 Corinthians 15:57 Blessings!

Woman Comes Back to Life with a Message...

Amazing Healing "Breathe Your Breath Into Our Son Lord"...

Prophecies Coming In....

The Lord Revealed to Brother Zachary what the Sister at "The Final Days" Youtube Channel has been showing on the FAA Weather Cams from Canada and Alaska about the Planet X Cover-up Device. Zachary describes it as a Flashlight, showing this man-made sunlight device when in Reality it deflects the real Sunlight to not reveal the Red Planet that is very near to the Sun now. And as the Lord confirmed, the catastrophic events of the earthquakes in Puerto Rico, Philippines, Mexico, Greenland, etc. are contributed by Planet X and Zachary mentioned the Lord reminded him of Yellowstone, the Super Volcano which will blow its top in our land, as well as the weather extremes. Other things God also reminds as well through Zachary.

The Final Days Update...

3 Days of Darkness, Mystery Babylon...

The Eagle Has Fallen...

Serious Observation from God..."I Am Not Recognized As Your God Only in the Hearts of a Few...I Can Not Be found..You Serve Yourself...I Am Not First As a Priority in Your Lives, Not in the Morning Upon Waking or at Night Upon Going to Bed...I Am Nowhere to be Found in Your Day. I Have Not Heard from You..."

This Dreams Sounds Like the Wheat and Tares of Matthew 13 that Kim above Prophesied from the Lord...This is Serious..."Secret Sins"...Confess all right away like everyday of your life! It's Not a One Time Prayer.

A Warning to Those Who Attend Rallies, Causing Violence...

Instructions to the Waiting Remnant...

They are Closing the Border...

Mutual Destruction of Iran and the US...

Jerusalem Is My Faithful City...

No More Time...

What Really Happened at the USA Military Base Struck by Iran...

The Big Picture of Current Events...

It Is My Name They Will Proclaim in the Flames...

Scoffers Will Soon Be Silenced...

Listen to an unfortunate real scoffer...God the Father Says, "The World is Not Ready...So Be It"

Beware of satan's Strategies...

God Sees Your Tears...

More Testimonies Continues...If You Have Not Prayed for your Children Well Now is the Time.

Prayer for Your Daughters or Granddaughters...So Glad I Did for Mine. She Has the Lord, Amen!

Pray for your Sons or Grandsons...The Lord Can Take Better Care of our Kids better than We Can IF We Give Them to Him. This Brother Was Born Again on My Birthday...Jan 22nd.

God's Not Dead He's Surely Alive!!

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